RegPortBro – Register Portable Browser

some years ago i have published an article about how to register a portable browser on windows an make it the default browser. you can still read that blog post here:

i always wanted to automate this, but so many things happened in the last few years and i simply didn’t find the time and motivation to develop a tool for it.

BUT now the time has come and i want to share with you: RegPortBro!

I tried to make the program as simple as possible and these are the options:


To list all browsers available on the system:
RegPortBro.exe list

To list browsers only from HKLM: (Local Machine)
RegPortBro.exe list HKLM

To list browsers only from HKCU: (Current User)
RegPortBro.exe list HKCU

To register a new browser:
RegPortBro.exe HKCU “MyBrowser” “C:\Path\To\Browser.exe”

Note: you will have to run RegPortBro as admin if you want to register a browser under HKLM. I recommend avoiding space characters – it will make your life easier. this command will automatically show you the ProgId of the http/https handler – which can be used in SetUserFTA for example.

To delete a registered browser and ensure the backup includes all relevant keys:
RegPortBro.exe delete HKCU “MyBrowser”

Note: delete will automatically create a backup .reg file in the same directory containing all the deleted registry items. to delete a browser from HKLM you have to run the program as admin

To delete a registered browser without creating a backup .reg file:
RegPortBro.exe delete HKCU “MyBrowser” -nobackup

AND THATS IT FOLKS! you can download the tool here:


After the browser is registered, you can use SetUserFTA to set it as default. I will most likely integrate this function into SetUserFTA anyway in the future.

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